Sunday, January 30, 2011

Leaving for Israel!

Hey Everyone!

Consider yourself special! You were one of the select few we have invited to go along with us to Israel. Sara and I leave for Israel Sunday at 7:00pm from LAX on Swiss Air. Our first stop after an eleven and a half hour flight will be the home of army knifes, secret bank accounts, clocks, cheese and chocolate.... Zurich, Switzerland. Our 7 hour layover will give us just enough time to to get a taste (get it...taste) of Switzerland.

After a three hour and forty five minute flight from Zurich we reach Ben Gurion Airport (formerly Lydda Airport) near Tel-Aviv. This is where Jesus, through Peter, healed a bedridden man causing the cities of Lydda and Sharon to turn to the Lord (Acts 9:32-35). We arrive at 3:30am, pick up a car and are on our way!

We will hopefully be updating this blog every day or so with some stories, pictures, and maybe a video or two. Don't worry we won't share everything with you, so we have an excuse to tell you all about our trip when we get home. Warning even if you don't want us to tell you we probably will anyway, so if you don't want to hear about it avoid us for the next six to nine months after we get back ;0) .

We love you all.

Mike and Sara


  1. We are praying for you guys! You will have such an amazing time! Remember, when you get to Israel... you are walking upon soil that God has chosen to write the story of the redemption of mankind. Upon this soil God tested the patriarchs, Upon this soil God commanded that walls fall down at the blast of trumpets, Upon this soil God enabled a shepherd boy to kill a Giant, Upon this soil, God rained fire down from heaven, Upon this soil the precious blood of Jesus was spilled for our sins!!! This soil is the only soil upon that planet that God says, "THIS IS MINE", Lev 25:23. If you have any questions let me know... Have fun & Shalom ~ A

  2. I'm so excited for the both of you! What an adventure you are on, to stand on the grounds that you have read about is incredible! Sara, the book of Genesis will become even more amazing.

    I can't wait to hear how the Lord speaks to you while you are there. One of my favorite places is Caesarea Philippi where Jesus asked His disciples "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"... It not only is a beautiful site, but it's the site of ancient pagan worship that included human sacrifices. There are still niches that used to hold the images of pagan gods that the people would worship. Right in the middle of all that the world worshipped, He asked, who do you say that I AM? to me it was so powerful. Anyway, I am rambling. Have a glorious time!
    in His love and mine,
    Jeremiah 29:11
